I want to know about erotic pictures of Momozuru Nene.
What do you recommend?
This article is about the images of “Momozuru Nene” arranged by “nonmora” production.
I, as a holo-live fan, will review them with a lot of effort.
Other recommended images and videos are provided at the end of the article.
Original image↓
This image is drawn by “nonmora”.
It is very cute because it exposes her pants
and the dialogue is provocative.
It would be quite useful for a rare image of
undressed panties with a smile that actually seems to be there.
(Same author, same character) Related images are at the end of this article.
- キャラ 「★★★」
- 芸術点 「★★★★」
- シチュレーション「★★★★」
- 総合評価 「★★★★」
- Character “★★★”
- Artistic Point “★★★★”
- Saturation “★★★★”
- Overall Rating “★★★★”
Momozuru Nene is a Vtuber belonging to Hololive.
She is cheerful and cheerful, and enjoys playing games even though
she is not good at them. She is the eldest daughter who has a younger brother,
which is rare in Hololive, and she talks well with Natsuiro Matsuri, who is in the same situation.
She also likes Gintama and is happy to hear the voice actors from the game,
and once imitated Kagura from Gintama by adding “al” to the end of the word!
He is also a good illustrator and singer, and has a pixiv page where he posts his work.
He also has a bookkeeping certification, and the reason he has it is because he’s cool…
He has nearly one million subscribers to his channel at the moment,
making him a very successful Vtuber.