I want to know about pornographic images of Laplace Darkness.
What do you recommend?
This article is about the images of “Laplace Darkness” arranged by “sea”.
I, a holo-live fan, will give a review with my efforts. Other recommended images and videos are provided at the end of the article.
Original image↓
This image is drawn by “sea”.
She is completely naked,
and her expression is very cute because of her shy face.
I think that the image of the situation in which it is inserted
in the standing back in Laplace that doesn’t seem
to actually exist is not so rare that it can be used very well.
(Same author, same character) Related images are at the end of this article.
- キャラ 「★★★★」
- 芸術点 「★★★★」
- シチュレーション「★★★★★」
- 総合評価 「★★★★」
- Character “★★★★”
- Artistic Point “★★★★”
- Saturation “★★★★★”
- Overall Rating “★★★★”
Laplace Darkness is a 6th year Vtuber who belongs to Hololive, as the general of Holox.
She has more than 100,000 registered users before her first delivery,
300,000 after her first delivery, and is currently around 700,000.
She is also the eldest daughter with many younger sisters
and brothers, which is unusual for a holo-live member.
She is also polite behind the scenes,
and is said to be acting out her character in her delivery.
He has a characteristic of creating a Nico Nico-like atmosphere in his holololive delivery,
but I think he will get used to the holololive soon.
With over 600,000 subscribers to her channel, she is sure to be a very successful Vtuber.